Monday, November 22, 2010

Chris lost 2 lbs. He didn't end up having chemo because his white blood cell count was .05!!!!!!!!!!! So basically, he doesn't have an immune system. So please, if you are ill or think you are getting a cold please just wave to Chris from a distance. The doctor told him to wear a mask but of course Chris won't (I wouldn't either:). We are trying to be very diligent in keeping things clean around the house and not go out.
Last week was soooo busy that I am very excited about this week. We will have Thanksgiving here at our house but everyone pitches in and brings things - especially the items that I won't cook (sweet potatoes with marshmallows, gravy, shrimp cocktail, stuffing, and cranberries - Yuck!!) don't worry Chris doesn't like any of those things either and so of course our children don't like them either:) Makes the meal much easier to prepare. Then we will go and see Tangled by Disney, can't wait. Friday, my family (the women) and I will brave the sales. 3 am here we come. Hopefully, there isn't anything I need.
Today has been strange. I have been moving summer clothing from the closet. Felt weird wondering what next year will bring. Will I have the whole closet to myself?? And Chris called and asked if there were any certain days next year that he should take off. How far do you plan?? And with Chris being "somewhat healthy" at this moment he is more himself. The outgoing, always talking, giving his opinion guy. We just go through ups and downs. Right now life feels "normal" so I will enjoy it while it lasts (Dec. 2 is chemo). I have a whole list of projects for him. Number one is Ryan's science fair project (Ahhhh).
Ohh, I have to brag Meg got a 4.0 last quarter. Scholarships here we come. She has been applying for some. Rye did well also. Meg did well on her talk in church and has been wearing her medallion. The primary/young men's presidency did a great job presenting the Priesthood Preview. Can't believe how fast time is flying!
If you live here bundle up, make sure you have food for a couple of days, and gas in your tank. I'm hoping for a snow day. "Let it snow!!" It would be fun to just stay home and play outside. The last one we had was on my birthday-January 11, 1993. I got to stay home from work - best birthday ever!! Travel safe and have a Happy Turkey Day!
Love ya, Ricki


Aunt Wanda said...

Hi, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Sounds like you are going to have quite a house full. We will have 18 here. I have assigned out the Branson Sweet Potato Casserole, Rolls and Dessert. It's the first year I've let anybody help me, although they've tried to before. I'v decided it really helps having a few of the dishes brought in as I am feeling "older" these days. So proud of Megan and her 4.0!! And, glad that Chris has a little respite right now from feeling totally yucky every single day, but the immune system being so compromised isn't the best news, but you two just take it as it comes and enjoy each day when you can, which I admire. I heard there is cold winter weather there. Brrrrr..... And, how brave of you going out to those 3 a.m. sales....Pam and I used to do 6 or 7 a.m. sa;es and I thought that was crazy, but 3 a.m. is crazier yet! xoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful you get to spend it all together! Enjoy the day and take lots of pictures!

We love you!
