Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chris walked around the floor today, took a shower:) and even watched TV (more like my Chris). Meg said that last night was very, very noisy due to a patient on the floor a couple of doors down from Chris that has a brain tumor. Not a lot of sleep going on. Lower CT scan showed that the spleen looked good (that's what they did scan for). He is off the heparin and is back to Lovenox. They are just trying to get rid of the pneumonia now. He is still in a lot of pain (no more pain in his throat). The pain is on the left side of his chest. Hurts when he breathes. Could be due to pneumonia or possibly cancer in his lung. The only way to know if the cancer is in his lung is to have a PET scan and Chris has told them he doesn't want one. "Doesn't care, he's going to die either way." He also decided that he isn't going to do the other chemo. He says that he is "ready to go," "tired of being in pain," "tired of this body," "ready to check out!!" I don't blame him I would want to go also. Pain ain't fun. My mom brought the kids up to the hospital so that we could read scriptures and say family prayer. Poor Chris slept through most of it:) My dad is spending the night with Chris tonight. Tomorrow will be easier for my mom - just Katie for most of the day. Pretty uneventful - Thank goodness:)
Love ya, Ricki


Debby Brown said...

Ricki, May I share a poem with you that a dear friend wrote and gave to me when I needed it most.

"Stormy Weather"
Can I face what lies ahead -
I'm fearful and don't know,
If stormy weather and rough seas
The horizon soon may show.

Of sadness and of sorrow,
I feel I've had my share.
Is there something more in store for me -
I feel it in the air.

I plead for strength to face it,
To brave the tempest's worst -
Until the calm returns again
And all is as at first.

Can I focus on the Master
Of wind, and sky, and air
And know that He'll be with me
'Though I can't see Him there.

Just as He calmed an ancient sea
And hushed the tempest sore -
So too, His arm He will extend
And Lead me back to shore.

I Love You Guys with all my heart.

Debby Brown

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers with your sweet family!

Marla said...

Maybe he wouldn't be in so much pain if he took something besides Tylenol. Stubborn! At least that's not genetic. (ya right) I hope he gets to come home soon so the kids don't have to keep going to the hospital and maybe, with proper pain management, he can be more comfortable at home than at the hospital with the loud brain tumor patients down the hall. Just loud kids which is a sound he should be used to by now and might be a little comforting I would imagine. Normalcy.

Love you and I pray that you'll be blessed with all the strength and patience you need to get through every bump in the road.