Monday, April 18, 2011

Sorry, I know many of you are wondering how Chris is doing but r internet has been down for four days (we are getting a new one on Thursday:) and I have been verryyyy, verrrryyy busy. (and we went to Disneyland and the beach for 7 days - one last fling:) Chris had chemo last Monday (April 4th). Chris lost 7 lbs since the last time he had been weighed. Saw the doctor. He gave Chris antibiotics to take twice a day to help with the itching from the rash and also to prevent the rash from getting infected. He is suppose to look like a teenager with bad, bad acne. It will take about two weeks for his hair to fall out. First he will notice his hair thinning. We were at the hospital from 9:30-4:00. It was a verry long day. Every other week will be like this. Chris will have treatments every week for six weeks. One week he will receive 3 drugs. Next week 5 drugs. Chris has had a very hard time with this chemo. He has thrown up a lot and been nauseated the whole time. Wednesday, he had me call and get him anti-nausea medicine (which he hasn't ever taken before). He has stopped walking - to tired. Sleeps. Plays computer - when it's working. It was hard watching Chris not have an "outlet" for his pain/boredom and to help him keep his mind off of the nausea. His face is splotchy and red. Hair feels a little thinner. He is almost completely gray:( Soon bald:( He is also very weak. Stumbles a lot. He hasn't been able to go to Rye and Megs track meets, too sick and tired. Rye has officially started his Eagle Scout Project!!!! We put posters up Saturday and Sunday. We are doing 2 stakes. 13 wards!!! Rye spoke in 7 wards. It has been a crazzzyyy couple of days. I keep reminding myself two weeks of utter craziness and then we will be done. Rye, delegated the posters to different women (and 3 to Megan's guy friend:) in r ward. They did a fantastic job. Thank you, thank you. They looked incredible. We passed out sign up sheets (Rye, had Meg make them) yesterday. Items r to be taken to ym president's homes, we will pick up on the 29th and then assemble kits on the 30th. I made A LOT of phone calls this weekend (Rye delegated this part to me:) to YM leaders (and their wives - so they would know to expect stuff coming to their homes) and RS leaders (I can always count on the RS to go above and beyond to help:) If any of you want to donate we'd love it. We r making kits for the newly diagnosed cancer patients at Huntsman Cancer Institute (where Chris goes). We r needing: bottles of lotion, purse sized Kleenex packages, card games, chapsticks, adult puzzle books, reusable water bottles, and fleece blankets (50"x60") or fleece material to create blankets. We hope to make at least a hundred kits. We r also asking for donations of soda pop. When Chris was there on Monday they ran out of soda. No big deal for us, I was there and could go to the vending machine down the hall but for others who don't have someone with them, "what do they do?" Broke my heart:( Chris doesn't have chemo until Thursday of this week. I asked to change it back to Thursday because that is a better day for my mom, and since we need her help, which we appreciate soooo much. Especially with the chemo treatments being so long. Thank you. Thank you. Last Friday, Katie had kindergarten orientation:( Am I really getting that old???? Chris was able to come. After the orientation the three of us went out to eat to celebrate. We tried to make it really special knowing that Chris might not be around when Katie actually starts school. Saturday, Tay, Jacob and some friends decided to play golf in r backyard. 15 golf ball holes in r vinyl fence!!!!!!!! Punishment!!!! We had Tay give us his $100.00 that he was saving. No electronics until they pay back 600 chores (each equally $1.00). Tay and Jacob have it figured out that if they do 5 chores a day then they can be done in 3 months. Also, chores done on Saturday and cleaning the cat box don't count towards the 600. We think they did about $700 worth of damage. Neighbor boy who also helped (Chris saw him) said that he didn't do anything. Parents believed him so Jacob and Tay r wayyyy mad at him and of course he isn't welcome at r home (for awhile). We weren't asking them to help pay, just wanted him to know that what he did was wrong. Chris and I r still trying to figure out "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING????" You would think that after the first hole in the fence you would stop - knowing that you were going to get in trouble!!! Meg, has decided to not work at Disney World. She is afraid of missing Chris, not being here when he dies. I told her we would fly her home if it looked like he was going. She said "no." Mixed emotions - want her to live her life and enjoy opportunities that come along but I also understand her not wanting to miss "the end." She is going to get a job in Provo so that she will have it when school starts. (haven't heard if she made princess yet). Chris and I celebrated r 21st wedding anniversary on April 13th. Chris has been to ill to do anything but that's ok we had a ton of fun last year and just still having him here is good enough. Thursday, Friday and Monday the kids r all home for spring break. You all know how it goes the last two months before school ends becomes verry, veryy busy. This year especially with having a senior. Can't believe that school is almost over!! Life just goes way to fast. The ancient Roman philosopher Horace admonished, "Whatever hour God has blessed you with, take it with grateful hand, nor postpone your joys from year to year, so that in whatever place you have been, you may say that you have lived happily." Love ya, Ricki


Wanda Jean Wach said...

Oh, my, Ricki....I have been wondering about Chris and how he was doing after his first chemo last week. I appreciate you writing your thoughts even though I am sad to hear he is suffering so. Hard on him and hard on all of you, but each day is a "gift" as well. So much happening in your family, including golf balls in the vinyl fence....oh, my. Somehow you all carry on and keep going...LOVE conquers all. xoxooxxoxo

Debby Brown said...

Ricki, thanks for the comment from Horace. It is very touching. Give Kris a big, gentle hug for us and let him know you guys are in our thoughts and prayers. Know that we love you with all our hearts, and you are such an example to me. Love ya'

Debby Brown

Fleck Family said...

Ricki, thank you so much for the quote at the end :)
Hugs to you all, you are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Ricki, we would love to be able to help with Ryan's Eagle project. I can send you items you are collecting or just send you a check and he can purchase whatever is left that is needed. If you could just send me an email and give me your address, we'll get it sent.

Hope Chris is able to tolerate the chemo the further he goes along. Hopefully he's getting some relief with the anti-nausea meds. Ya'll are in our prayers!

Kathy Ladle