Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yeah, we made it through the week (just barely-by Thursday I was dragging:) Monday, Chris was a lot of help at the Valentine parties, he helped with the games:) I must have looked really tired because he took us out to dinner at Famous Dave's (his favorite restaurant) and our families traditional Valentine dinner spot (just not usually on Valentines - too crowded) but because he isn't working we were able to go right after school. Then he took us to Target where each child got to pick out his own Valentine's Day present. Kids loved it. Tuesday, I ran around town doing lots of errands thinking how lucky I was that Katie could stay home with Chris. Not only did I have a lot of errands but it was soooo cold outside - no fun!! Tax lady came and then Taylor and I headed to middle school orientation. He has decided to try playing the trumpet next year - he'll be good at it. Wednesday, I picked up the food for the teachers dinner (Rumbi Island Grill). It was sooo windy that while attempting to get the food into the school we lost a dinner. Flew away!! Thank goodness it landed upside down in the lid. Friends inside the school saw me struggling and came outside and kept the rest from flying away:) I was lucky it was Jacob's teachers meal hee, hee (way to make brownie points - NOT:) Next time I am buying an extra meal just in case (next one March 16th). My friend and I made them homemade crepes and they filled them with all kinds of yummy stuff. I ate two! My favorite combo - apple pie filling, sliced bananas, whip cream and caramel sauce. I made a roast for my family which Chris was in charge of. Came home and piled everyone in the car so that we could go and see Taylor receive scout awards. Thursday, I was suppose to work in Tay's classroom but I just couldn't leave my house, it was a disaster!!! Laundry as tall as me. I cleaned and cleaned all day. I also made play dough for Katie (what was I thinking?! LOL) Tay and Jacob are doing well in school. Jacob's teacher rewarded Jacob for reading so much on his own with a gift card to the book fair. So, of course Chris spoiled the kids and let them each pick two books (buy one get one free). After that we were headed home and Chris decided that he had a craving for Olive Garden!! We stopped at home to see if Meg and Rye wanted to come, they said "no." Crazy kids. Food was yummy, we had fun and we got to see my step-brother and his wife who happened to be eating there also. Friday, was an emotional day. About 9:00am UPS man delivered a letter to us. It was Chris' life insurance money:( I cried and cried - not with happiness. I would rather keep my best friend then pay my house off!!!! It makes me feel sick inside knowing that other people (doctors, insurance company) realize that he is going to die. I was hoping that maybe we just hadn't been listening correctly to the doctors, bad dream - when am I going to wake up?! I went running to try and lessen the pain. Some days I feel like I just get slapped in the face and this is real and other days it just seems like everything is ok. I feel emotionally drained. And to add to my pain- my curling iron broke!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I really did scream after that!! I wasn't to happy going to the store with straight, straight hair (not even my bangs curled!) I tried Megan's straightener but just burned myself and made weird kinks in my hair which I then tried to straighten. Luckily, I didn't see anyone I knew:) So, needless to say I have cried too much and have given myself a headache:) Tomorrow, Chris is speaking in Sacrament meeting - should be wonderful, he is a great speaker, and our family is singing a musical number - "I Love to See the Temple." So, if you feel like you need a good cry, church starts at 11:00:) That is Katie's favorite song. We are putting her close to the microphone so she can be heard because she sings it sooooo cute.
This week is not going to be as painful as last week. No school Monday and FHE. Tuesday, work in Jacob's classroom, Jacob scouts. Wednesday, scouts for Tay and Rye. Thursday, dermatologist for Meg, Me hair coloring (LOL) and we feed the missionaries (no clue what). Friday, doctors appointment with Dr. Whisenant - Chris will tell him his decision. Overall a very relaxing week:)
We are also working on Rye's Eagle project. Thanks to Harmon's Grocery store we have the bags to put the items in for the "Newly diagnosed cancer patient kits." Now we just need to get the posters and flyers done. Chris wants us to get permission to set up a booth outside of Walmart and Harmons to ask for donations. People see us and what we need, go inside, buy it and then hand it to us. Sounds good to me.
"It is not the design of heaven that we be rescued from all difficult situations. Rather, it is the Lord's will that we learn to handle them." Joseph Fielding McConkie
Love ya, Ricki


Kristi said...

Love that quote! I'm stealing it cuz it fits perfectly with my emotions today! Love ya!

ljaxon said...

Chris & Ricki,
You continue to inspire me because through all your trials you still find a way to let us all know that the church is still true. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. My prayers are continually with you & your family.
Love, Laurie Jackson

Anonymous said...

Chris did extremely well on his talk in church today. The man is inspiring. As is your whole family. The family singing was great too... God Bless.


Wanda Jean Wach said...

I am out of breath after reading your schedule last week---wow! It was fun to read of going out to eat with Chris, though....glad he can do that. Sounds like many "memories" are being made, too. Glad this week is a little slower. Will be waiting to hear Chris's decision re: further treatment after Friday's appt. Proud of Chris speaking and your family singing yesterday...that must have been aweseom...and a 2-Kleenexer for the ward members listening.... xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying for the whole family daily! Miss you all... Have a good week, make good memories...
