Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wednesday Chris was well enough to have chemo. His weight stayed the same since last week - thank goodness:) They have stopped giving him the oxiplatin, the drug that is suppose to help the chemo work better but causes terrible sometimes irreversible side effects such as numbness and sensitivity to cold things. Chris' nose and tongue would go numb which he hated because his nose would run and he wouldn't know it. He was also loosing his sense of balance. They usually try to go 9 treatments before they stop using it but it was starting to take a toll on Chris so the doctor decided to stop it now. Friday he went in and had the pump removed. He seems to be doing well usually Friday night he throws up alot but last night he just felt really tired and nauseated. Probably because he had a month break, who knows we were just grateful not to have to hear him be sick. It makes us sad:(


Anonymous said...

Hang in there.
my prayers are with all of you.


ljaxon said...

Just wanted to let you know that you're still in our prayers. We love your family! -the Jackson's

Anonymous said...

I am glad they have taken Chris off that drug that makes him go numb. This has been such a long trail for all of you. I am so behind in reading your blogs. Good to see the photos on your sight, too! Sounds like you are all back in the swing of things, school, fall, and hikes (my goodness you have stamina!)..what a good Mom you are! Love, Aunt Wanda Wach