Thursday, January 6, 2011

Two blogs in one day?!!!:) Chris was suppose to have chemo today but his white blood cell count was at a 1 - to low to treat. We are stunned!! He hasn't had chemo for two weeks. Not sure what is going on. He will try again next Thursday. It's dumb but I feel like it's a blessing/birthday present from above;) that he didn't have chemo. The next few days are very busy and it's my birthday coming up (January 11th - #40 Ahhh). Now Chris won't be ill:) I told him for my birthday present I wanted to eat out 4 different nights:):) For a mother that's a big treat. Everyone is happy because they order what they want and NO mess to clean up. I wasn't sure how it was going to work (actually it probably wouldn't have worked. Chris is a trooper he would have tried but after working all day and being tired and sick - not fair to him). So yeah for me:)
I also now have the privilege of cleaning the Oquirrh Mountain Temple tomorrow night. We will also get the results of Katie's tests and make sure that the infection is gone. Saturday I have to be up at 6:30 am to get Taylor out the door so that he can go to his scout shindig event. My nephew is being baptised (now Chris can go:), 2 Jr. Jazz bball games and a party for a friend that evening. Sunday church and family get together to eat cake for my bday. Monday FHE, and eating out hee hee. Tuesday Tay Jr. Jazz practice and eating out:), Wednesday YM/YW, scouts for Taylor and Jacob and Jr. Jazz practice for Jacob annnndd eating out:). Thursday chemo and a very tired, sick husband:(
If any of you have any ideas for an 18 year old's bday let me know I'm at a loss. Meg says she doesn't want anything. Too bad!!!! You are only 18 once!! The other day she told me that she was thinking of attending community college (instead of BYU) so that she could stay home and help me. I told her "No way, you are only a kid once! and that I could handle it (I think:)" I didn't say what else I was thinking - What if she has the cancer gene? Will her life be cut short? Live life to the fullest. What a very kind girl - I'm lucky to have her.
Chris was telling me about a dream that he had the other day. He told me that he was sitting in a chair next to my bed and that I had gray hair. I asked him if he had gray hair. He said "no.":(
Earlier this evening Chris was going over all of the "dating rules" with Katie and he told her that he would be there in spirit in the Temple when she got married. He also told her that he would ask Heavenly Father if he could come and see her baptism. Katie said "but you'll be dead" and Chris told her how she wouldn't be able to see him but that she would feel his presence. Now, I have a headache (read previous quote-hee, hee). Sorry, but I mostly type these things for myself so that I can read them someday. It's hard thinking about losing your best friend.
It's r reality and every day things are said and done to prepare for the future. I'll stop writing before I give myself an even worse sinus infection. I just love having a red nose - call me Rudolph:):)
Love, Ricki
P.S. love the pictures:):) Obviously a mask isn't going to protect you from pink eye, but hey we had fun being rude to Ryan:) Oh, and are masks have Disney characters on them:)


Marla said...

That picture kills me. hahahaha poor Ryan. The best part is sweet innocent little Katie in on the harassing. I'm sure Ryan will get them all back when his eye is all better.

Kristi said...

I can never read your posts without crying. :( That Megan HAS to go to BYU. Her future hubby is waiting. lol You're such a good mom to think of her needs over your own.

Marla said...

On the other hand, maybe part of this second option Meg has come up with is because she doesn't want to be away from family after such a rough couple of years. Yes it would be helpful to Ricki (who needs to learn to accept help) but it may also be what Meg actually wants. That's something you guys will have to decide together.

Spending another year or two at home working on pre-req's at CC isn't the end of the world or the end of her education! It depends on what she wants to go to school for. Remember that, Mom. You've got an amazing young woman there (David's eyes about popped out of his head when I reminded him that Meg will be 18!) and while 18 year olds don't necessarily know what's best for them it's something that will affect her future and she deserves to have a say. I know you want what's best for all your kids and they want what's best for the family as well. If it's something she "wants" out of obligation that's one thing. If it's truly her desire to be where she feels she is needed meanwhile still pursuing her education that might be more rewarding for her in the long run. On the other hand maybe she just wants the heck out of there and to be on her own at school and was just trying to be nice. ;)

Have faith in your girl, Mama. I know that you'll come to a decision together that's right for everyone.

Much Love, Always.

Sorensen's said...

Ricki, I enjoy reading your blog and checkin' in with the Wach's! I'm with Kristi, I can never read your posts without crying. Your family is amazing! I can't believe Megan is 18! I still remember Jon saying she was so cute and wanting our girls to look like her. I love that Sis. Hinckley quote too! Hang in there sister, you are not alone!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ricky! I hope you had a great day! Thinking of you, and praying for you and your man and rest of the family daily!


Jim Bob said...

Love the t-shirts. Agent P is my semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal hero!!!