Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So, first r internet is down. We get a new provider. Then, r computer decides to freak out. We have been without a computer for a couple of days. Thank goodness Chris is still around, he fixed it. If it breaks again I won't know what to do. Told him I'll just buy a new one:)
Chris had chemo on Thursday. Only four drugs so it didn't take as long (four hours instead of seven). One of the drugs that Chris receives comes in a glass bottle instead of a plastic pouch. I asked them "Why?" They said that the drug would eat through the plastic pouch!!!! Yikes!!! Kids were off for spring break so they came for awhile and then my mom took them home. Katie was sooo cute with all the "grandma's and grandpa's" she sang songs to them from Tangled and played "guess which hand the item is in." I enjoyed watching people smile who usually don't smile because the chemo room just isn't the "happiest place on earth." We colored Easter eggs Wednesday night thinking that he would be to sick to do anything after Thursday but, he hasn't been sick. (even went to Meg's track meet on Saturday) Just tired and his face hurts. He is beginning to get acne. He has fun squeezing them and watching the puss come out (ohhh, Ricki you are so dead for telling!!!) He of course doesn't care about scaring up his face like he would have if he was younger (and of course not dieing:) His face is splotchy red and he says it hurts:( He continues to take antibiotics twice a day for infection and for itching. He also CRAVES things!!! Right now he can't get enough PICKLES!!!! He eats an entire jar in two days!!! He also can't stop eating Taco flavored Doritos chips!!! (the ones they brought back from r childhood). He eats a bag or two a day (depending on how many helpers he has). My food storage is now stocked with jars of pickles and Doritos:) Chemo, again this Thursday. Seven hours!! Pizza for dinner:) Grateful to my mom.
Jacob and Tay r still punished but I would have to say "I'm punished also" I hope that I can endure this and follow through. It is sooooo hard having to stay on top of them - no tv is the worst. Sometimes you just sit down and watch out of habit (Rye is really good at making sure that I know if they r watching tv - hee, hee). Having chores ready for them to do and of course listening to them whine about how they have nothing to do "We're bored" especially over spring break. Ahhh, I wanted to pull my hair out!! I don't know how we will make it through the summer. They have only completed 25 since last Saturday. I am even giving them an easy one - bring your scriptures to the table when we read and follow along (earns them a point-which is something they should be doing anyways- I'm such a softy). I was worried about them going to friends houses to play electronics but I called parents and told them. They have all been wonderful to uphold the punishment also:) All I can do is pray that this always stays with them. That they learn from it.
This week is crazy. We r finishing up Rye's Eagle project. 13 wards. Friday, we will collect the stuff and take it over to the church. Saturday, we will assemble the kits. A very sweet young lady and her family in r ward have kindly volunteered to tie the fleece to make it into a blanket. So far, they have done 11. It has been really helpful. Other wise the scouts would be doing it on Saturday. Thank you. Thank you to all of you who have donated to Rye's Eagle project. What a great cause. Can't wait to see the faces of the people who work at the hospital when we bring in the kits and the soda pop (you should see my living room!!!). And of course I will smile really big when I see a cancer patient with a kit (I will also be sad - bitter sweet).
Don't forget Wednesday, April 27th is Baskin Robbins .13 cent scoop night starts at 5pm -10pm. We usually travel around to each of the BR stores in r area until we make ourselves sick (that's dinner and dessert-sometimes they have limits on how many scoops. I'm a chocolate fudge and bubble gum-yes together:). Tons of fun!!!:)
Love ya, Ricki


Wanda Jean Wach said...

I was happy to hear that Chris could repair your computer, and that he isn't as sick this time from his chemo drugs. My thougts and prayers are with you always and I just put his name on the Newport Beach Temple prayer roll last week. Our Redlands Temple was closed for regular maintenance. Good to read of all the doings...and of Ryan's Eagle Project coming to frutiion. Brian's oldest son, Mitchell, just passed his Eagle Board of Review last Thursday, so he is an "official Eagle Scout now!--Court of Honor probably end of June.

Kristi said...

Pickles do sound pretty good. Him and Karly would get along great. She'd eat that 24/7 if I let her! Say hello to everyone! Love ya!

Debby Brown said...

Ricki, I went through the same thing with my husband and his illness. His weight is down to 125. His Doctor told him to drink Ensure and he didn't like the taste - so they told him to drink "Boost" - same concept just with a better taste. Jim says it tastes like a milkshake. He has to drink 3 a day, one after every meal. Happy Mothers Day Sweetie - as always you are in our thoughts and prayers. Our Family loves you guys enormously. Debby Brown.