Monday, July 12, 2010

For some reason this PET scan was very hard on Chris. He was planning on going to work after it but had to stay home because he was soooo sick. He slept most of the day. We aren't sure why this test made him so sick but Chris' results were that the tumors have stayed the same since his last test in April. No new ones and they haven't grown any bigger. Yeah!
Last Thursday on Chris' day off we took Katie to the dermatologist to see how her hand was doing. It looks wonderful. Dr. said to finish out medicine and continue putting cream on twice a day for another month then we should be done. And yes the cat gets to stay (bummer). He was impressed that her hand healed so quickly but I knew why (Chris and Chris' dad gave her a blessing a couple of weeks ago:) Later that day we went to the Pony Express Museum where Chris spoiled his children and nephew by buying them a civil war cap and helping them answer questions in a booklet so that they could get a special pin.
Friday, a friend and I were crazy enough to take our children to Timpanogos Cave. It is a mile and a half hike up to the cave. Katie walked all the way up. I tried to carry her but she would freak out because she thought that she would fall. The path way is only about 3-5 feet across at times. I made my crew walk right next to the mountain at all times. Tay and Jacob worked really hard on another booklet that they were given by the ranger so that they could become Junior Rangers and receive a pin. Now the boys want to go to all the State Parks so that they can collect pins. Poor Katie had a water wart on her wrist which I accidentally popped because I was holding onto her so tight. We made it down safe and had a great time.
Saturday, we worked hard getting Chris and Ryan ready to leave Monday morning 4:00 AM for scout camp in Jackson Hole, WY. Then we hung out with friends from our "old neighborhood" we do this once a year it's so much fun to see everyone. Thanks. We love you guys!! We had tons of fun and the food was wonderful. Chris did OK. We were late because he was sick and then we left early because he was feeling sick.
Sunday, Chris was late to church because he was ill. I was doing OK until a man mentioned that his son only has 6 months left on his mission and that he had gone and got his passport so that he could go and get him. I swallowed hard and then left so that I could cry. Realizing that Chris won't be going to pick up his sons after their missions.:(
This morning Chris and Ryan left for camp. Bright and early (4:00 AM). I was surprised that they didn't wake the whole house they were so noisy and Chris came back twice to the house to get things he had forgotten - one of them being his Pancreatic Enzymes!!!! Thank goodness he remembered not far from home. It was a bitter sweet good bye. All weekend I have had a hard time knowing that this is the last scout camp out that Chris will go on. Now I can worry like all the other mothers that send their sons, hoping that they are having a good time, safe, warm/cool, behaving, have everything they need. Chris has always been there to look out for Ryan. Scout camps will be very hard for me. I decided to stay home instead of going to Jackson Hole to be near him. Yes, I'm going to be OK. If he was to die up there at least it would be doing what he loves. The thing is we already know that he is going to die. Things are in place for when that happens because we have been blessed to be given time to put things in order. The big thing is that if he did die up there at least we wouldn't have to watch him suffer a long painful death like what we have been told will happen. Chris is smart and will only do things that he knows he can handle. Pray that he has a good time, and that his body lets him enjoy all the activities.
I will keep myself busy this week:) hee hee.
Last week we were given a WONDERFUL, AMAZING, COULDN'T STOP CRYING gift from some teachers at the elementary school. I know they spent tons of hours and money on the gifts. They made each of us our own book (Chris and Me, Chris and Megan, Chris and Ryan, Chris and Taylor, Chris and Jacob, Chris and Katie). I couldn't stop crying they are just amazing. They asked for photos and then they went through the hundreds of pictures I gave them and picked the pictures, put quotes and then had the publisher leave blank pages in the book so that Chris could write us each a message. Chris and I were very touched. He took them to work to show them off. And each of the kids cried as they looked at their very own book. What fun memories each picture holds and now it is in a book so that they can look at them whenever they want. Our family can't thank you enough. Words just don't come - tears do:) We love all of you so much. Thank you. Thank you.
Love, Ricki

1 comment:

Aunt Wanda said...

I am just amazed at your endurance, Ricki. Seems that everytime I read a post, you have hiked this one said Timpanogas Caves..with all the kiddies...WOW! I was so touched by those memory books made by those wonderful friends. What a lasting legacy for your children, and comforting to Chris to know that his children have them. So touching.......

So glad his tumors haven't increased in size. That is a blessing. xoxoxoxo