Friday, September 16, 2011

Yesterday Chris had chemotherapy. He weighed in at 188 lbs. White blood cell count 4.3. It will be interesting to watch that number, see what it does. So, please NO sick people near Chris:) It was a long day - six hours!! Five different drugs. Back to the drug being in a glass bottle because it would eat through the plastic bag!! This will last for five more weeks, every Thursday beginning at 9:30 am. My mom has kindly volunteered to pick Katie up from kindergarten and then take care of the other kids after school. I made my "medicine charts" yesterday to keep up with times and doses. Just like last time he has to take an antibiotic twice a day to control infection. He will soon have a rash all over and possibly lose his hair - he was suppose to last time but it just became thinner and right now it is nice and thick again and less gray!!! He also needs to take his lovenox shots twice a day to keep those darn blood clots away. I have done wayyyyy to much crying the last couple of days (ok, the last month:) knowing that I am going to become a single parent and caregiver to Chris. Not quite ready to do this again but I know that it's really the only way to keep Chris here longer. Just sooooo hard to watch him suffer. Last night he slept sitting up on the couch. It has already started!! My heart aches knowing that there is nothing that I can do. If only I could take a little (only a little - I'm not good with pain, hee, hee) of his pain away. And knowing that his pain and suffering are only going to get worse and that he at any time could end up in the hospital with an infection or blood clot. 14 years ago on September 18th we found out Chris had colon cancer. One of those days you remember just like December 12, 2008 we were told Chris only had 6 weeks to live.
Meg is adjusting to school, working and being away from home. She came home last weekend for two of her friends farewells, to do her laundry (I mean have ME do her laundry - she was off playing:) and raid the pantry. Rye, got his learners permit. Now we just need to take him out driving Ahhhhh. Anyone up for a challenge?? Tay, still loves school especially Friday late start. He gets to stay up late Thursday night and play the computer with Chris while everyone else has to go to bed. Jacob has started playing the violin. Monday and Wednesday morning before school he has practice. He loves walking around the house "playing it" and Katie she is NOT a morning person so every morning is a struggle to get her out of bed. Loves school once she gets there.

1 comment:

Wanda Jean Wach said...

I truly do believe that taking care of a loved one who is terminal at home lengthens their life. It did for our Pam. You will be so grateful that you've had this time for Service to your Chris, Ricki. And, he is so LUCKY to have you as his Chief Cheerleader.