Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Yesterday was Megan, Ryan and Taylor's first day of school:( 
Meg and I talked last night about her day.  She loves her mission prep class, met a cute boy in her physics class (he walked with her for awhile after class -lol), loves her family life class, her teachers wife died of cancer a few years ago and he met a woman whose husband died a few years ago of cancer and they got married and have 13 kids (yes, I cried when she told me the story).  She has a date on Saturday and loves her roommates and student ward.  YEAH!!!!! I'm ssoooo happy.  As Chris says: "Mom thinks you should be at college for the social not the academic"  Ha, ha sooo true:)  Meg has also decided that she needs to "stay home" (in America) and get her degree finished so that when her missionary (his name is Dakota - who is in Brazil - 11 months out) comes home then she can work and he can go to school.  She is sooo wise.  I'm such a proud mother:):)  also she is thinking of getting her degree in some kind of behaviorism/speech therapy.  She would work with autistic children.

Oh, last blog that was written was started by me and ended (except the quote) by Chris.  In case you noticed a writing style difference - no your not crazy.  Hee, hee not he, he.  I started and then had to leave to take Rye to work when I came back it was finished:)  I left most of it.  I was happy to finally have it done.

Rye has a cross country meet today and Chris has been asked to ride the bus to the meet and help with whatever the coach needs him to do.  Not crazy about the meet being the second day of school.  Rye will miss meeting his "B" day teachers.  He will have to wait til Friday to meet them.  He has asked me to help him switch into a college math class - I have been bugging him forever about doing this (getting college credit and hardly paying any money for the class) I finally stopped bugging him and wallllaaaaa he wants to do it - sooo proud:):)  Hopefully they have room for him.  We can't make any class changes until tomorrow morning.  Here I come 7 am in line just like a lot of other people:):)  (I get two Dr. Peppers tomorrow:)  Funny story- Chris picked up Rye and his friend from a party last weekend.  Chris drove the friend to his house and noticed a car following them.  Car pulls up in friends drive way and asks for Ryan's phone number!!!!!!  what brave girls!!  Rye doesn't know his phone number so "his dad" gives it to the girls.  Such a proud mother.  Hee, hee.

Tay, is excited about his French class and band.  He said that he likes all of his teachers and that they all seem nice.  For the last two days Tays bus has driven right past his bus stop (other kids there also) and I have to take him to a different stop.  Calling transportation today!!!  Tay has been babysitting for one of r neighbors - she pays very well - soo he has just about enough money to pay for a new retainer.  Lost his.  I told him to put it somewhere safe before he left for scout camp.  Can't remember where somewhere safe is:):):)  He keeps trying to blame it on me. mmmm....

Last night I made my first basil pesto sauce from scratch using basil from my garden.  sooo exciting:)  We have pasta Tuesdays and Friday nights - carbs for Rye night before a race.  And made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for Tay and chocolate chip cookies for Rye - first day of school tradition.
So far, life is just moving along and taking us with it:)  We are busy, but happy and grateful.
Love ya, Ricki

1 comment:

Wanda Jean Wach said...

So happy to read of all the normal family events with school starting, etc. xoxoxoxoo