Monday, September 17, 2012

Howdy folks!!:)  We've been busy, busy, busy.  Fun busy (is there such a thing??!!:) 

The cross country coach has been keeping Chris busy with stats and riding the bus to meets.  Chris rode bus with Rye Saturday to BYU for the BYU Invitational Meet. Rye wasn't feeling well - head cold so he didn't do as well as he would have liked.  Rye continues to run after school for practice and he got into 3 college classes!!  Took a lot of work on my part to get him into them (some were full) I'm good with bribery - treats from Kneaders and a promise that Rye would be an angel in their class. lol.  He is now taking Financial Literacy, Math 1010, and Chemistry 1010.  Next semester is Math 1050.  Sooo, I now have two in college!!!  Rye is enrolled at Salt lake Community College. CRAZY!!!  This weekend at work Rye got to wear a U of U shirt for game night. Booo.  Tuesday the store is having a "Date Knight" theme and Rye gets to dress up in tights and be one of the 3 musketeers - fun, Rye is a good sport:)
Chris and I have been keeping ourselves busy at the kids schools.  Chris cross country at the high school, fun run at the middle school and unloading books and organizing them, helping at the elementary school with walk your child to school day, hearing screening, learning disability awareness day, helping in their class rooms. . . . . Next week he goes to the zoo with Katie:):)  A lot of the time he is tired before he even gets started but he's a fighter and he just keeps pushing himself to do things.  Then he comes home and takes a nap:):)  It's great to have him around to do such things.:)
Meg has been on quite a few dates lately.  Laughing because Tay keeps getting mad at Meg.  He is defending "Dakota's territory" while he is gone.  Tay thinks that Dakota is "the bomb" (we think so also). Meg ran in the Color Me 5k race on Saturday to benefit cancer research at the Huntsman Cancer Center.  she and her "guy friend" had a lot of fun. Tay, Katie, Jacob and I went and watched and cheered them on.  They were very colorful.  I think next year we will all run it.  It looked like a ton of fun.  (Chris and Rye were in Provo at his race - after Meg's we drove to Provo to watch Rye - made for a long day - but fun:) Meg continues to love school, her ward and her roommates.  Saturday she came up to hang out with us for the BYU/UofU game party at r house (don't ask!!!!) and to go to a friend's farewell on Sunday.  Sunday the executive secretary of her ward called to see if she could meet with the Bishop so that he could extend her a calling. Of course she was here so now we have to wait to hear what he wants to call her as.  Life is exciting.  I love talking to Meg she has a "fun life" right now, even if she doesn't think so all the time:)
We have a lot of "music" in r home right now.  Tay is playing his trumpet and Jacob has started violin lessons Mon and Wed mornings at the school.  Tomorrow night the scout leaders are having a meeting on how to fill out Eagle paperwork - so here we go again!!!
Chris has been in the dog house for the past few weeks, thanks to loosing my primary lesson manual.  He was substituting for another teacher and I let him borrow my book.  He lost it.  We looked "everywhere" and asked around.  No one had seen it.  Finally, yesterday I asked a member of the Bishopric if they had seen it.  Sure enough they had it in their office.  "Chris, you may now come out of the dog house."  lol.
Life just keeps going:)  This week we have FHE (we are going up the mountain to roast hot dogs and throw rocks in the lake - lol), Jacob orchestra, Rye work,  x country practice and two meets (one Wed and one Sat), work in Jacob's class, scouts for Tay and Jacob, school pictures for Jacob and Katie, ortho for Tay to get a new retainer (he has to pay $100 - he lost it:(, Katie has a bday party to go to and Saturday Tay (Rye will be at his meet) will be participating in the "day of service" event for the youth of r stake and Sunday is the dedication of the Brigham City Temple. Oh, and Friday it will be Dakota's "one year mark."  (for those that care - hey, if I have to keep hearing about it, so do all of you. lol).   Wow!!  I already feel tired:):)  A good tired:):)  I'm sooo grateful to be a mom.
"Our task is to become our best selves.  One of God's greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final."  Pres. Monson (can't wait for general conference:):):)
Love ya, Ricki

1 comment:

Colette said...

You guys are SO busy and so full of energy - your family is like The Incredibles. Seriously. :) Thanks for the chat today, you were just the medicine I needed. Love ya!