Thursday, February 14, 2013

Quick update on Chris..... he had chemo on Tuesday.  He lost 4 lbs from week before (now 177).  We stayed at Huntsman from 10-2:30.  Walked out to the car and Chris started throwing up.  Every stop he threw up.  He threw up most of the night and into Wednesday.  He didn't sleep at all Tuesday night.  He finally let me call the nurse and ask for fluids, something for the throwing up and the migraine headache he now had.  He kept trying to take anti-nausea meds and loratab but they didn't stay down long enough to do any good. We got to the hospital at 3 and they rehydtrated him and gave him some zofran.  He came home and tried to sleep but couldn't.  As of this morning he hasn't eaten (still dry heaving) and hasn't slept much (I just talked to him:(  I'm not sure what today will bring.  He has his pump on it's suppose to be taken off sometime after noon. 
Last night was maturation for Jacob.  (sorry, now the tears flow) You're suppose to go with your dad and if the date had stayed Jan 24th instead of being moved to Feb 13th we would have been fine.  I took Jacob (kicking and screaming) I told him that if there weren't any other mothers that we would leave.  We walked in and there were three other mothers so we stayed.  He had a very angry face on and I tried to tickle him, put my arm around him.... he would have none of it.  Half way through we see Chris come in.  He looks AWFUL!!! He comes and sits by us.  Jacobs face LIGHTS up, a total change of attitude.  I find out that Chris WALKED up to the school (we have a large hill to walk up and school is probably half mile - fine for people who aren't sick, also very, very cold outside - we were out of cars, Rye at work, Meg gone and me up at the school). I sobbed when I saw him and cried even harder when I realized the sacrifice he made to get there.  He sat by us for awhile and then needed to throw up so he left.  He came back and stood in the back of the room.  Chris to other people would look like he had the flu - the guy standing next to him looked uneasy (no one wants to get sick) until I mouthed to him that Chris had cancer.  After that he was very kind and asked Chris if he needed anything and would give me the thumbs up sign:)  After the class Chris just wanted to go so Jacob grabbed his goodie bag and we left.  I dropped Chris off at home and took Jacob to Chick fil a for a milkshake.  Worked out great I also checked on the red car that had had a flat tire and that Meg and Rye pumped up so Rye could get to work (I was at hospital-nothing like not being home:( and I hadn't seen Rye all day).  Got Jacob his milkshake and Rye tells me car is in the red line on the gas meter he doesn't think he can get home. Soooooo, Jacob and I take the car and go to the gas station and fill it up then return it back to him.
It's now 8 pm.  My dad was kind enough to take Chris to the hospital to get the pump off while my mother and I did the chocolate fountain for Jacobs class.  My mom is amazing she has this thing down to a science:)  She even brought a shower curtain that we cut in half  - placing half on floor and half on the counter.  After Jacobs party I headed to Katie's party.  My sweet mother went back to my house and washed out the fountain for me - you don't want to try and clean it after the chocolate has hardened - big, big pain!! Thanks sooo much mom and dad you guys are amazing!!!  Love ya
  Tay stayed home sick again today.  He had a doctor's appointment at 4:15 because he had all the signs of strep.   GO AROUND TWO!!!!  Tay has STREP - AGAIN!!!  It has been a very, very, very long and full day.  I can't wait to lay my head on my pillow.  Meg and Jacob both had melt downs this morning.  Meg about starting a new job and that her "pants made her look fat."  Jacob, because he couldn't get his contacts in.  We have to "reschedule" ourselves due to Meg and her work schedule.  She has to be to work at 9 am so she is "in r way!!"  Will do better tomorrow:)
  Broke my heart - Katie said to Chris this morning "Am I going to have to do what you're doing when I get older?"  (yep, more tears)  We tried to reassure her that she probably wouldn't have to.  It is very stressful around her right now.  Chris is in tons of pain.  Therefore, crabby.  He wants quiet, not to be touched, no fighting, got mad at Meg because she "smelled bad" (she had just come back from running outside), can't sit long, throws up, can't eat, smells bother him, can't sleep........ I have to keep telling myself to "hang on"  "tie the knot, hang on" there is no one else to get everything done.  I feel like I am letting people down.  I didn't do very well taking care of Tay these past few days - Chris first.  I pray that we all make it through this.  That Chris can find the relief that he needs from chemo so that he can be comfortable.  and I pray that the rest of us learn and grow, become closer and better people.  I'm feeling tired and overwhelmed.  Knowing that I need to handle things gracefully that the Lord won't give me anything that I can't handle.  One day I will look back and cherish these days (someday:) and I'm sure that I will look back and feel like I should have done better than I am now.  I did get r Valentine's dinner done: lasagna, green salad, raspberry jello, pink milk, pink rolls and for dessert I let the kids dip their own strawberries and fortune cookies into either milk, dark or white chocolate.  Chris stayed long enough for a picture and then disappeared.  Things can only get better.  Keep praying for Chris.  He's in sooo much pain.
Happy Valentine's Day!  Love ya, Ricki

1 comment:

Colette said...

Oh, Ricki. I'm so sorry. You will absolutely NOT look back and think you could have done better... you will look back and you'll be AMAZED and ASTONISHED at all you were able to handle. Never doubt yourself, you are THE STRONGEST wife, mother and woman I know. I read a quote the other day that I love... it said, "God doesn't give us what we can handle, God helps us handle what we are given."