Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A lot has happened since I last wrote but because I gave our computer a virus I couldn't write:) My brother was kind enough to save our computer before Chris "hung me by my toe nails" I was surfing the web looking for Valentine ideas, ooopppss.
Took Rye to the neurologist they said he looks good even after hitting his head so many times. Jr. Jazz basketball is over but now he is playing intramural bball at the middle school. I think that when playing basketball players (especially Rye) should have to wear a helmet!! Now we will just ask him to work harder on his homework because his "brain" is just fine:) No more excuses.
The insurance company decided to total Megs car so we are now in the process of looking for another car. They called me yesterday to tell me that I needed to return the rental car on Friday:( I'm not looking forward to Friday "I want to keep the van!!"
Chris and I meet with Dr. Rich Thursday morning (8:50am) to go over the MRI and see what Chris needs to do. He is still in a lot of pain. He has a very hard time walking, sitting, getting up etc.
Katie has been sick since Saturday night. Runny nose, fever, coughing like a seal, and all that good stuff. Miserable enough to keep Chris and I up during the night.
Pack meeting was a lot of fun it was the Blue and Gold Banquet. Jacob got his Bobcat award and Tay his Webelos badge and the man that performed the Arrow of Light ceremony did a great job. I took a big sigh afterwards knowing one more boy down, only one more to go:)
This morning we went to Breakfast with Books at the elementary school. We were running late and Tay was upset that there wouldn't be anymore donuts so I bet him that if they were out I'd buy him a donut at the store and do his chore, but if they had donuts than he had to do an extra chore. Of course they had plenty of donuts it's run by the PTA:) Yeahhh for me!!
Tonight is New Beginnings and scouts. Tomorrow the tax lady comes. We decided that we might need help with them after having such a crazy year. Lots of questions, let the pro do it then she can get in trouble not us:) Thurs. is Chris' doctors appointment, Rye goes on a field trip - he is singing at a bunch of elementary schools for choir (hope to watch him perform), Tays valentines party - we are doing are traditional chocolate fountain. I provide the chocolate and the kids bring in stuff to dip. I was smart enough to assign 2 other mothers to come up with entertainment:) What do you do with 5th graders?? (that's how I got a virus-looking for games) And that night Tay has his first 11 year old den meeting. Jacob was suppose to give his 5-15 minute report on Neil Armstrong Thurs but I spoke with Jacobs teacher and she was kind enough to let us reschedule. Jacob wasn't happy with that he was looking forward to having it done. I think he just wanted to eat the freeze dried ice cream I bought:) Do you think Thurs looks crazy??!!:) We all have crazy days that's what keeps us going, (for me it's that and Dr. Pepper).
Hopefully I can write Friday morning and let you know what's up with Chris.
Love, Ricki

1 comment:

Aunt Wanda Wach said...

Well, I sure hope there is something they can do to fix Chris' back pain. He's been through enough already. As I read your very busy family schedule this week, I felt pretty lazy sitting her in my housecoat at 7:30 a.m., however, I DO remember those days raising our 5 kids!
Ray's computer got a bad virus and Jason saved it by ordering Norton 360 updated and telling his Dad not to open all those "attachments" he gets from friends. However, I know that Ray does still open them now and then trusting that Norton is doing its job. I will check back later to see what the MRI shows on Chris. Sorry about your Dad's car, and having to return your beloved rental car.