Friday, August 6, 2010

Just received a phone call from Cancer center nurse she says that "Chris' potassium level is in the toilet!" and that "he shouldn't even be able to walk!" She told me that when potassium gets to low you can have a stroke and that leg function seizes to exist. YIKES!!! She said it was to late now to do an IV so she called in potassium pills that "Chris is to take religiously" We both agreed this could be why he has been so exhausted. I am leaving now to go to the pharmacy and then I will take him a pill since he doesn't get off until 7 pm she wants him started as soon as possible and of course she scared the heck out of me. So off I go:) Next Thursday they will check his potassium again. Nurse says it takes a day for results to come back.
love, Ricki

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