Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Friday the 17th Chris called Dr. Ott and spoke with him about eating and the problems he was having. Dr. Ott told Chris to go and have a STEAK!!! “Give it a try” he said. I had just spoken earlier with the nutritionist who told me all of the things that I needed to do to help Chris and that wasn’t one of them. I now have to make two meals. One for those of us who don’t need all the high fat calories (butter, mayonnaise, cream etc.) and one for those in the family who could use a little more meat on their bones. Yes, I said STEAK! Chris wanted to go Friday night but I was way to sick. No fun to eat out when you can’t smell or taste anything. He waited till Saturday afternoon and we went to Sizzler as a family to see what would happen to him. I still couldn’t taste or smell anything but wanted to see what was going to happen. He ate it. Didn’t throw up but became ill later. Any time he eats anything he gets sick (d….). The food isn’t being absorbed like it should. We saw Dr. Ott today and he prescribed Pancreatic Enzymes for Chris to take. His body isn’t making enough so he will take 2 pills every time he eats until his pancreas starts producing enough. We figured out today that Chris has lost 22 lbs since March 9th. Dr. Ott commented on how Chris needed a new wardrobe. We have an appointment on April 28th to meet with Dr. Whizenant (the chemotherapy doctor) to figure out when we will start chemo again, hopefully after we get back from Disney World. We are sorry to say but Megan did not win the car Monday. It was a lot of fun they took the whole school out to the football field and everyone cheered as each student tried their key. They had a radio station there doing the commentary, throwing candy and giving away Chick-fil-A coupons. Fun memory. I guess I shouldn't have talked about getting another car because the van decided to die on us Friday (its fixed now). Also today my grandfather died. He had Alzheimer’s and had been in a care facility for awhile. I spent all day with him up until Chris’ doctor’s appointment (he passed away at 2:30pm he passed away 20 minutes after I left) so I was able to say “goodbye” to him. Chris and the children went and said “goodbye” to him last night. I am happy that he is out of pain and reunited with my grandmother. I am grateful to know that I will see him again someday and he will be his happy, fun self like I remember from years ago before he got sick. Thanks mom for taking such good care of him all these years. I know he thanks you too. You’re the best!! Love, Ricki

1 comment:

wjlarsens2 said...

gee Ricki---when it rains it pours, right? I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Keep your chin up--we love you!