Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chris had chemo on October 28th, his weight has stayed the same (thank goodness) but he is having a lot of intestinal trouble he is constantly in the restroom being sick so we talked to the doctor about that. The doctor believes that it is from the surgery he called it "dumping syndrome" he wants us to get through the chemo first (we have 3 sessions left) and then we will concentrate on the other problem. I told the doctor though that this is reeaalllyy hard on Chris that he hardly gets any sleep at night because he is up all night. Thank goodness he's not like me grumpy, grumpy, grumpy if I don't get enough sleep. This morning he told me that he set a record - he got 3 straight hours of sleep! Also food is not being broken down and is leaving his system in 12 hours or less from being eaten which is not good who knows how much nutrition his body is receiving in that amount of time. He is taking vitamins and the doctor suggested blending up vegetables (into baby food!) and having Chris try eating them that way. It is very hard for me to watch this it is no fun having Chris in the restroom all the time life passing him by. I admire him so much he has such integrity, he goes to work everyday and works hard even though he feels horrible it would be much easier to stay home. By how late he comes home I can tell what kind of day he had at work. Late means it was a bad day because he insists on working 8 hours a day (or more) he knows that that is what he is suppose to do so he does it even though he feels absolutely horrible. What a life, I just couldn't do it put me in the ground! But he is not one to take advantage of situations/others he always does his best.
Last week was a hard week I did a lot of crying Monday (October 26) we carved pumpkins and so that brought up the subject of "this could be the last Halloween" me having to go trick-or-treating with the kids Saturday because Chris would be to sick - I always stay home and pass out candy and Chris loves to take the kids out for hours and hours of trick-or-treating.
And we had a friend pass away that was diagnosed with cancer 3 days before Chris was. She was 3 months older than Chris and left behind 5 girls. Our children are all the same age except #5 they are a year apart (Katie is one year older). I couldn't go to the funeral it was to close to home so I stayed home and mopped, cleaned walls, dusted and cried and cried and cried not only for my selfish reasons but also for their sweet families loss. I was talking with a friend who went and she said the children seemed at peace. For now they know that it is best that their mother went because they saw her in so much pain which in a way makes it easier because no one wants to see someone they love suffering.
Halloween went OK my brother came and helped me take care of Chris (Chris had just finished chemo) and the kids. Chris walked with us for as long as he could and then my brother drove him back home and he and Megan passed out candy. I tried my best to be patient and go to EVERY house it wasn't too cold. Jacob and Katie wanted to go home earlier than Taylor so I let Taylor go with a friend and then I met up with him later. As I walked I cried thinking how different Halloween was this year and how much I miss things "the way they were" I'm sure that Chris misses it even more he just doesn't express it as much as I do. It has been a year since this all started. He did a colonoscopy last year (on Halloween) found nothing and then a couple of weeks later ended up in the ER having an endoscopy which led to putting in a stent. Which led too. . .
Onto better news (you get the point, I've been crying all week - selfishly) since Chris last wrote (I tried to get him to write again but he doesn't like to write about himself:) Megan did well at region (Thursday is her cross country award banquet), went to Homecoming, asked a boy to the Sadies dance, got a 3.8 report card and continues to run after school with her friends even though cross country is over she wants to be in shape for track in the spring. Ryan is now doing intramural flag football at school he is the captain of his team and he is performing in his school choir tomorrow night, Taylor and Jacob finished flag football and have parent teacher conferences this week and Katie is just making lottttssss of messes and seems to have forgotten that she is potty trained - 5 "accidents" yesterday!!!!
Meg put a picture of Chris and his pumpkin on. I call it "a pumpkin on chemo!" hee, hee.
We appreciate all you do for our family. I know some of you are saying "we don't do anything for your family, you won't let us" but just knowing that we could call on any of you at any time is "SOMETHING!" Save up your energy:) Love, Ricki


Anonymous said...

I dont understand why you think crying is a selfish thing. Its usually a much needed release of pain and anguish. An emotion which is strong yet calming. You are a strong person, in person, yet everyone knows your pain and frailty. I pray every day for your miracle to happen. You and your wonderful family do not deserve this pain. Stay strong, "rely" on God and friends, they usually "really" want to help. And if you feel like crying go ahead. All you need.
I pray this terrible situation will pass with a happy outcome. and your tears will turn into sunshine.
God bless All of you....


David said...

Love you guys. Hang in there. In the end we all get to dump these crappy bodies and get the turbo-charged versions! :)

Anonymous said...

i agree with monte. crying is a way of expressing yourself, its not selfish at all. You and your family are going through ALOT. and you cant keep it bottled in.. especially feelings like this. i love you and your family im hoping when we come up for thaknsgiving i can visit you all. id love to help in any way i can.

brooke alexander