Saturday, November 14, 2009

Just had to write and let you all know that Megan sprained her ankle yesterday running. I got a call from the principal letting me know that I needed to come and get her and take her to the doctor. When I got there they wheeled her out to the car in a wheelchair. It was really swollen (she still had her shoe on) she told me that she heard a snap when she did it so to be on the safe side I took her to InstaCare for x-rays. 2 1/2 hours later and my mom and brother taking care of the other children - Friday nights are really hard on Chris so I knew I needed some help, mostly with Katie everyone else could have fended for themselves but I figured my brother wouldn't mind letting my kids play with their cousins (thanks guys:) They took x-rays not broken, so they put a brace and ace bandage on her ankle but it will be at least 2 weeks before she can run. We were suppose to run in a 5k race today but oh well will try again another time. Also, Megan's friend found a lost kitten and brought it to our house because her family is allergic to cats. Can I just tell you how much trouble Megan is in!!!!!! I tried to take it to the humane society but it was closed so I stopped at the store and picked up cat food and litter (under protest! I dislike DISLIKE cats!!!) Katie has named it "Aladdin" I am in big trouble, anyone want a black cat?! We have a Christmas tradition that we start early each year because we have 5 children. Chris takes each child out to eat where they want to go and then Christmas shopping for each of their siblings. Chris felt OK tonight so he took Jacob. It was Jacob's turn to go first this year so he and Chris are out shopping and eating. It is a fun tradition for the kids. I've had to keep track on a calendar each year of who went first the year before to keep the fighting down because everyone wants to go first. Welp, I gotta go Katie's screaming about holding the kitten "Aladdin" May we make it through this weekend!! Ricki


Anonymous said...

=/ dang thats too bad about megan. she's a tough girl though so she will get through it, i miss her =( I am glad chris felt good enough to take him,that is a great tradition.. do me a favor and tell my parents about it?... ha ha =] and yes i remember you hating darth vader hah i remember me and megan and i think karelyn jumping on your tramp with sprinklers and we put the cat on and it FREAKED OUT! AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! give your family love! hopeing to see you soon. you are in our prayers and thoughts!

Brooke Alexander

Aunt Wanda Wach said...

It's been too long since I read your blog and commented. I got caught up this morning, though. I was sad to hear that sweet Megan sprained her ankle. I know how she loves running and keeping in shape. I laughed over the photo of Chri's Chemo Pumpkin....he manages to maintain his sense of humor through all of his struggles. We love all of you so much. I am thinking of Chris as he began his round of chemo yesterday. What a year this has been, but the blessing is that Chris is still with you/us, so that is a huge Thanksgiving blessing in itself. May you all have a wonderful Holiday as you "gather together to ask/thank the Lord for blessings". Much love, Aunt Wanda Wach

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about Megan, thank God it wasnt broken, ey you know I would ave taken the kitten if I was there... lol
Miss you all, hope you guys have a great thanksgiving...
