Monday, September 27, 2010

Just to let you all know Chris is in the hospital. He started becoming ill (head cold) last week. Wednesday (Sept. 22) he stayed home from work, which is not like him. He was very tired and coughing a lot. Thursday, was his day off from work and chemo. He felt horrible but he went and played at recess with the kids and then went to Meg and Rye's cross country meet. Meg made a comment about how he must be feeling ill because he wasn't at the finish line like he usually is. After the meet we had a court of honor. Rye and Tay received awards. Chris was in a lot of pain. His leg has been giving him sooo much trouble. He hardly sleeps at night. He will only take Advil or Tylenol because he doesn't want to feel "loopie." Because he worked on Labor Day he had Friday off which was a very good thing because of being so ill and exerting so much energy Thursday. Friday at about 2 pm Chris started having a lot of chest pain and couldn't breath I told him that I was calling an ambulance. He told me "no" that I could drive him to the hospital. I called my mom to come over, asked the neighbor across the street to sit with the kids til my mom came. I didn't want Jacob to be a lone because he and I both saw Chris making faces and breathing strangely. It was scary, I was worried that this was it. Jacob is my quiet one holds everything in I just didn't want him to be alone. On the way to the hospital I called my car pool buddy. She and I take turns (she does most of it) running the kids from the middle school to the high school for cross country practice. It was my turn to drive. Poor girl was at work asked if she could put me on hold I told her "no" told her what I was doing and could she pick up kids. She said sure. Later I find out that her car was in the shop. She borrowed a co-workers car to go and get the kids. (Thank you, thank you to you both). Well, half way to the hospital Chris decides that he doesn't need to go that "he is fine." I debate with him he tells me he won't get out of the car. I head home then I decide I'm in charge so I turn around and head back towards hospital. He gets way mad and says he won't go in so I turn around and head home. Major drama!!! I call my mom and tell her (she is coming from Lehi) and thank the neighbor. I get Meg and Rye ready for the cross country fund raiser. Katie and I go and chaperon (6-9 pm) at the fund raiser - Chris to ill to take care of Katie. I give instructions to Jacob and Tay, poor kids:( Chris sleeps on the couch because it helps him breath. I tell him I'm sure that he has a blood clot in his lung - too much coughing, shortness of breath. Nah, "I'm not going, I hate hospitals, not wasting our money!" Saturday, we go to a baptism for a friend. Race home to change clothes because we have family pictures at the International Peace Gardens. The woman that took are pictures was wonderful. We just did standing pictures (except for the ones of the kids in the trees:) because Chris couldn't kneel or sit on the ground because of the pain in his leg. She was quick, had great ideas, kept it short, was understanding of Chris pain, brought us treats, and had the craziest props to make us smile for the camera. We love ya!!! Can't wait to see the pictures:) We came home. Chris took some Advil and then fell asleep on the couch. "The girls" all went out for dinner and to the General Women's Session (it's a tradition). My brother-in-law was kind enough to come over and watch everyone because again Chris was to ill. Long story short - hee, hee. Around 9:30pm Chris asks me to take him to the hospital. I call my mom. Both Meg and Rye are out playing with friends. Poor mom. Thank goodness she loves me (I think:) I gather my stuff, I know it will be a long night. We go the ER. They instantly take us back, felt bad the ER was full. They put Chris on oxygen and we had at least 4 people helping him. They gave him morphine which he hates but took because he was in so much pain. This was the first time I have EVER heard him rate his pain as a 10!!! (and that's what it has stayed at) During are stay in the ER they gave him 3 more shots of it. He had a CT scan which just about killed him because he had to lay down flat on his back. At 4:15am (told you it would be a long night:) they admitted Chris to the hospital. He has 3 blood clots in his lungs and pneumonia. Yesterday he was in so much pain even with the pain meds. He continues to need oxygen at all times. He took a walk around the hospital floor thinking that would help his recovery so that he could get out faster but instead he almost killed himself. So much pain and not enough oxygen. A nurse (who wasn't ours) brought us over an oxygen tank and followed us around. Chris regretted trying to walk, too much for him. He shook for about thirty minutes he was in so much pain. He just kept talking to himself, telling himself it wasn't that bad:( I HATE this!!! I HATE watching Chris suffer! I am helpless!!!!!
My mom brought the kids up later Sunday night to see Chris. I asked her to bring crayons and paper for them to color get well cards for Chris - hoping that would keep them a "little calmer" Rye couldn't stop crying and when it was time to go Katie grabbed me and wouldn't let go. I took her to the car where we had to pry her off of me. Craziest thing, I was taking Katie to the car and we saw her preschool teacher. She was coming (to the same floor we are on) to see her father in law who is dieing. Are stake president was kind enough to come and visit us and he gave Chris a blessing. A group of young men with surgical masks came to our room and offered Chris and I the sacrament. It was very, very touching (yah, I'm crying) to see these sweet young men and their young men leader in white shirts and ties and then to just see their eyes (because they were wearing masks). Now, I'm crying even harder because two of the boys dad is in the room next to us. He is dieing of cancer. Chris, the good guy thanked them and bore his testimony to them, gave them a talking to about "being good" and the two boys that's dad is dieing gave them special words. It was a beautiful and spiritual moment. Felt like heaven was really close.
Sorry, gotta go take Katie to preschool, she won't go with lady that I car pool with:)


The Sants said...

Hang in there! You and the family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Kristi said...

What can I say to that! What a weekend of events. We pray that he'll recover and be out of pain. (atleast as much as possible) Big Big hugs from the Alexanders!

Aunt Wanda said...

Oh my, reading all of this caused everything to just stand still for a moment as I tried to soak it all in. I don't know why men are so stubborn about going to the hospital, other than in Chris's case, he's just tired of being there, but you were right about the blood clots. Oh, my....I am so sad to hear of all of this. You are handling it all very well, Ricki, and let those tears come when they's therapy for you---your "release" valve. Love and hugs to everyone...xoxoxoxo

Aunt Wanda said...

Wanting to help long-distance in some way with Chris's current health crisis, I turned to the local temple Prayer Rolls. I have just called his name into them: Redlands - Newport Beach - San Diego - Los Angeles. I would encourage others who read this to do the same with your local temples. Many good Saints will be praying over Chris as a result. There is strength in numbers... xoxoxxoox

Michelle Nelson said...

Chris was my supervisor at work and I'm excited to get him back as a supervisor next week. Please let him know he's in my prayers and everyone here at work misses him.

Michelle Nelson