Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Just got off skype with Meg. She is having a great time. The 27 hour train ride wasn't to bad she said. While we were talking fire works were going off in the street, and there was lots of noise, she said there is a festival this week (along with spring break). I asked her about cave tubing and she said it was awful. Tourists have ruined the cave and it was like walking through mud "never again!" she said:) Clubbing - ahhhh, a mother's heart!!! It is going out to bars and dancing. she said that the Chinese lovvvvee them and are always offering to buy them drinks and they want to dance with them. I of course gave Meg her lecture:):) Reminded her NOT to drink ANYthing!! She said she and the others were smarter than that:) They just want to experience China. Ahhhh a mother's heart!!!! She also told me that she took a cooking class yesterday - made a 5 course meal. The picture she showed me from her camera (face book not working) it all looked gross, ok maybe I would try the cashew chicken (maybe) she said it was all good. Mushrooms, fish, bak choy. . . . all things she wouldn't eat here! They leave tomorrow and head to the 3 Gorges (and a couple of other places. She loved the train ride the scenery was gorgeous. They will arrive home late Sunday night.
Haven't heard from Chris. He SHOULD be flying from the Amazon Rainforest to Lima. Flight from Lima leaves at 12:35 am. Will be picking him and grandpa up from the airport at 12:46 pm tomorrow. So, glad the kids are out of school so I don't have to take them out:) Thank you Aunt Wanda for emailing pictures to those who don't have face book - you are very kind:) I'm just not all that computer savvvvvyyy:)
Yesterday, I worked in Katie's classroom. Then I got to do a few things that I always make Chris do - one, the dryer hose came off so I "duct taped" it back on:), next the hard one.....this year in school every week Katie comes home with a new letter of the week, she has to find 5 pictures that start with that letter. Chris and Katie usually google the words, he puts them on power point (he writes the word underneath the picture) and then prints them off. Last week I made him do it Monday night even though it wasn't due til Friday:) I sat by him and took notes so that I could do it this week - haa, haaa. So, this weeks letter was "W" I followed my notes carefully and walllaaaa I did it:):) Waterfall, water bottle, Walt Disney (no brainer:), walrus, and wallet. Soooo proud. I have actually done some things this week that I didn't know how to do because I take Chris for granted:) I also fixed a flat tire on the van:) Yesterday, I also cleaned my closet. Took awhile but it looks very nice.
For dinner we ate left overs (boring:) because we didn't have enough time to get everything done. Tay scouts 6:30, Rye ym's 7 - poor Rye had to go early with Tay because Jacob had his Utah This is the Place school performance at 7. It was a hectic evening but we got through it. This is when I realize that I'm going to struggle with Chris gone. Even though he's sick he can still help drive kids places:(
Tonight is are last night to eat out - mmmm.... crazy but not sure where to go. Kids keep saying "Panda" and I say "no, you can eat there when dad gets home."
"Don't judge me because I sin different than you."
Love ya, Ricki


Colette said...

You are amazing... and NEED to write a book! I've learned so much from you about balancing life, prioritizing what's important and serving your family. You inspire me!!

Wanda Jean Wach said...

As I write this on Thursday, you and the kids are getting excited to go pick up Dad from the airport!! Whew--he is almost back home...what a neat experience for him and I can't believe how many grey hairs you have gotten worrying over Chris and Megan on their adventures in the same week. I can just hear you breathing a big "sigh of relief" when Chris lands!!! I am tickled to read of Megan's advenutres, and eating those foods she would gag at in Utah. But, I, too, understand your worrying over her and some of those "experiences" especially in traveling. xoxoxoxoxoo

Wanda Jean Wach said...

As I write this on Thursday, you and the kids are getting excited to go pick up Dad from the airport!! Whew--he is almost back home...what a neat experience for him and I can't believe how many grey hairs you have gotten worrying over Chris and Megan on their adventures in the same week. I can just hear you breathing a big "sigh of relief" when Chris lands!!! I am tickled to read of Megan's advenutres, and eating those foods she would gag at in Utah. But, I, too, understand your worrying over her and some of those "experiences" especially in traveling. xoxoxoxoxoo