Monday, June 18, 2012

Today, at 12:30 Chris has a PET scan.  Mostly just to shut me and the insurance company up.  LOLLOL.  I feel more upset about having to go to a new location etc. (insurance changes) then I do what the test will find, only because we already know "he's going to die" just don't know when - and of course since he keeps out living what the doctors tell us:).  As Chris screamed yesterday "he can't die because he can't leave Ryan and I here to kill each other." lol. (we are tooooo much alike Chris says).  Chris was ill yesterday, he missed Jacob and Katie singing to him in church:(  I had them sing to him at home while I video taped it - it was even better:)  We spoiled him rotten with gifts that he can use now and the rest of us can continue to use when he's gone -gotta be practical (hee, hee).  He got a new chair, a Miami Dolphins fleece blanket that I had the kids each tie a side of and a funny story - I sent Chris to get ranchera meat for Sunday dinner (he speaks better spanish than I do) while the rest of us went and got his present (a new barbecue - as you all know I kind of set rs on fire:)  When we came home Chris was tinkering with are old one, he had replaced the pipes and put in new stones.  Ahhhh!!!  so, Sunday we used both. Ha ha. A sad conversation I caught between Katie and Chris yesterday - Katie said "when I'm ten ..." and Chris said "I won't be here I will be dead"  Katie - "ok, when I'm seven".  Chris - "I will probably be dead, but I will always love you."  (heart breaking!!!!!!!!!!!!)
We won't find out the results of the PET scan until next Monday.
I will send this post out now and than finish up with all the fun stuff that happened last week later.  Today will be a long day and I know I won't get back to this til tomorrow (maybe:)
7 days til Meg comes home!!!!!!

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