Monday, September 24, 2012

Chris has been very sick this week - sinus cold and he hurt his back this week - not sure when or how:(  So he is now in tons of pain because of his back and his nose either won't stop running or is clogged.  
The rest of us have been sick also with sinus junk.  some runny, some clogged or both:)  I just keep doweling out the medicine.  As of yesterday I started having a sore throat. Oh, joy!!!  I know it's bad when it hurts to drink Dr. Pepper!!!
To recap this week:)  Rye had late start at school last Wed so Chris and I took him out to lunch at Noodles so he could get some carbs in before his meet.  He didn't end up running his ankle hurt to much.  Funny story (always have to have one:):  At the meet (this happened twice) a dad of one of the kids on the team came up and thanked Chris for being a great coach.  Chris explained to him that he was just a dad.  The man asked how come he got to go to everything..... Chris said that "he was retired."  (I always tell him not to say that it invokes more questions!!) So, man asked how he did that.  Then Chris had to explain that he was dying etc. etc.  Another father said the same thing (different time) and also commented on Chris' clothes - how he wore the same shirt alot (I didn't know men noticed that type of stuff- and then to say it out loud!!!).  So.... Chris explained that he refused to buy clothes, that it was a waste of money. That invoked the question . .. What do you do for a living?. . . . etc etc.  "I'm dying" Chris and I found it amusing.  hee hee.  Got to laugh or your gonna cry (and I've done a TON of that this week thanks to Chris!!!! Can't stand to see him in pain) 
Tay had picture day and Jacob had scouts and orchestra.  Oh, and Rye had a goodbye party for a friend that night so I took him over and said "hi" to the parents.  There was a mechanical bull in their back yard for the party and a fancy music system and lights!!(and food) quite the party!!  Anyway, some of Rye's friends asked me to get on the bull.  I said "no" I didn't want to embarrass Rye.  they begged and the other mother said that she and some of the neighbor moms had done it (oh, the peer pressure!!).  SOoo, I did it!!!  It was wayyy fun.  I got the "prize" for being the "mother that stayed on the longest!!"  lol.  I also got the bruise and nice burn on my elbow for "staying on the longest."  It would have been fun to have tried it a few more times but.... didn't want to embarrass Rye.  I'll have to rent one of those. lol.
Thursday, I took Tay to get his new retainer.  Poooorrrr booooyyyy!!!!!!!!!  He cried sooooo hard handing over $100.00 of HIS money to the cashier.  He counted out each $20 bill and handed it to her and then the tears came.  He cried all the way to school.  Talk about feeling like a rotten mom for making him pay for a new one - he lost it - but those tears!!!!  I still paid $75.00 but boy did he break my heart.  He came home after school - climbed into bed and cried and slept for an hour:(:(:(  Broke my heart. 
Crazy story (got to have one of those also):  Saturday's cross country meet was cancelled.  On short notice coach had us enter a Friday meet.  Asked Chris two favors: 1. ride the bus, 2. pick up a kid from Salt Lake Community College and bring him back to school to ride the bus.  Chris was OK with that.  Bus suppose to leave at 1:20.  Chris calls me, only one bus (we need two- tons of kids) he's thinking of driving some kids down - I'm trying not to freak out -the PTA/school policy side of me is coming out.  I don't know how someone came up with this solution but it worked.  One bus some of the xcountry team on it and another bus which had the girls volleyball team on it headed to Provo (we were headed to Salem Hills High school, which is almost to Payson (past Provo)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - quite the drive!!!!)  We didn't realize that the meet was sooo far away so Chris didn't have enough food and water for himself:(   Katie had a bday party so I was going to wait til it was over and then head to the meet.  Rye not running until 5 or 6pm.  Chris said it would only take me about an hour and 10 min to get there.  Ha ha I left at the wrong time. Took two hours!!!  During that time I spoke with Chris and I could tell he wasn't doing well.  I called Megan (in Provo) and asked her if she could please take her dad something to eat and drink I would be there soon.  Thank goodness she wasn't busy.  When Katie and I finally arrived Meg was taking care of Chris.  I had missed Rye run and basically the meet was over!!  Poorr Katie two hours in the car!  We walked around for a bit, used the rest room and helped the xcountry team get situated.  Chris rode the volleyball bus - from the meet they went back to Provo to pick up the team which wasn't done and then were to head home.  Chris and Rye walked in the door at 11:30 pm!!!!!!  Chris was exhausted but I think that Rye had fun!!:) On the way home Katie begged to stop and get a hamburger and milk shake at one for r favorite places.  Makes Chris wayyyyy sick so we don't go there when he's with us.  I figured that she had been fantastic for 3 1/2 hours in the car that she could have whatever she wanted.  Such a wonderful girl!!!  She never complained (I was doing enough for the both of us - lol).  She only got a little annoying when she kept asking if we were almost to JCW's (the hamburger place).  It's closer to r home then where we had been - then I realized there was one in Provo - I didn't tell her. hee, hee.  We would have taken Meg but she had other plans:). It was quite the day.  Not one that I want to repeat!!
Tay also had his first memory book meeting at the middle school.  He will be taking pictures and putting pages together for the book.  He's excited he likes taking pictures.  That's every Friday morning:)
Saturday, we took it easy - no one felt well.  Much needed rest after a very hectic week.  Rye worked.  He is such a flirt!!  He walked one of the girl employees to her car (to make sure she was safe) and then ended up talking to some girls who he had helped at the register.  I'm just sitting in the car.  I probably shouldn't let him drive himself to work - I need to keep an eye on him. lol.
Sunday, we had the Brigham City Temple dedication.  We slept in.  soooo nice.  Since cross country started we've been getting up at 5:45 am on Saturdays and for us church starts at 9 am on Sunday.  So sleeping in felt great.  Since Katie isn't old enough to go.  Chris, Tay and I went to the one at noon.  Chris reallllyyyyyy struggled.  He was in soooooo much pain.  He would try using his hands to hold himself off the seat to relieve some of the pressure.  I think that if we hadn't been in the middle of the row he would have gotten up and stood in the back of the room.  I was very sad for him.  It was a very nice dedication.  Rye, Jacob, myself, my father, my sister, brother in law and nephew went to the 3 pm session. Tay was kind enough to watch Katie and Lillee my niece.
This morning Meg came over so that my dad could fix the serpentine belt in her car and put new windshield wipers on before he left back to Idaho.  Thanks dad!! It's awesome having a father that knows tons about cars.
So, that was r week in a nutshell.  I'm sure I left stuff out but you got the jist:):)
This week:  Today, Tay gets his new retainer (it's rainbow colored), and we have FHE, and the usual homework and practicing of the instruments (so fun:):), Tues, Chris has an oncology appointment - so I will try and write this week to let you know what "the plan" is. Chemo? No chemo?.  I work in Katie's classroom, Tay scouts, and Rye works.  Wed., Katie goes to the Zoo (and Chris - maybe), Jacob scouts and orchestra. Thurs., Rye works.  Frid., Tay memory book, Rye and Tay late start, early out for Jacob and Katie, Turkey shoot camp out for Tay and Rye - I know Tay doesn't want to go no matter how many guns there are (poor boy). and Saturday is Women's Conference. Will do are annual tradition out to eat and then to the conference.  This year I got tickets for us to sit in the Conference Center downtown.  Fun.  Ohhhhhh and Friday Katie and Jacob go off track for 3 weeks!!!!  soooo excited.  We are going to party!!!!:):) 
Just keep praying for my Chrisseee he's in a ton of pain:(:(
Love, Ricki

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