Friday, September 28, 2012

Yesterday Chris wanted to go to Ryan's meet but couldn't sit up on the bus or ride in a car.  Soooo, I took down the seats in the van, put blankets down (to cover where I needed to vacuum, not for comfort lol), brought out his pillow and drink and Katie, Chris and I headed to Westlake High School in Saratoga Springs.  About a 40 minute drive.  I had texted the coach earlier in the day and he was kind enough to tell me the time Rye would be running at so that we didn't miss it.  Poor Katie we had to keep explaining why daddy got to sit in an unsafe position and that she couldn't. On the way there and back Katie read a book to Chris (showing him the pictures) and shared her snacks - soo cute:)  We got there with just a few minutes to spare.  I pulled up to the field, opened the trunk and sent Chris and Katie on their way while I went and parked in tim-buck-too.  This was a BIG meet lots of schools.  It was hard watching him get in and out of the trunk:(  He did great at the meet.  Walked all over the place yelling at Rye and the other runners even giving advice and encouragement to struggling runners from other teams (that's my Chris:) I wasn't sure how long we would stay but he wanted to watch the other races so we stayed til the end.  Rye did great he ran 3 miles in 17:06 with a hurt foot and ankle.  rolled his ankle awhile ago (still hurts him) but last week dropped a 50 pound weight on the top of his foot - nice and bruised poor guy.  After the race we headed to the high school to wait for Rye.  Again, I had to keep telling Katie why daddy got to be unsafe and she couldn't.  I told her that when we got to the high school parking lot she could lay back there.  See the cute picture?  The two of them fell asleep waiting for Rye:)  We got home and Chris went and laid down.  Took 2 advil and one pain pill.  I haven't talked to him yet this morning so not sure how he is doing.  I did hear him make noises but not as often.  Hoping he got some sleep.  After a crazy morning of crazy schedules I am happy to say 2 kids off track!!!  Tay to memory book, drove Rye to school, took Jacob to orchestra and then came home and yelled at Katie to get ready and then took her to school.  You all know how it goes - your morning was probably similar. lol.  Off track!:)  Jacob will still go to orchestra practice Wed and Frid mornings at 7:30 but hey, I'm already up with Tay and Rye so no big deal. I do wish that we were traditional but since we aren't I will take the break:)  They cancelled the Turkey Shoot for tonight and I don't know if I will be going to conference down town tomorrow.  I don't feel like I can leave Katie (yes, she has siblings - watch her??!!!  sometimes!!)  for that long and Rye works - soooo do I let him drive himself to work???  Just nervous!  and a little bit of a control freak!!!:):):)  Sooo grateful for my van.  The way the seats are designed we can all have a seat and Chris can still lay down. Yesterday Rye asked me "is this how the car is going to look from now on?"  I said "yep, fun huh?!"  (Katie thinks so:) Gotta go with the flow!!!  As I told the kids we are starting a "new adventure" that we have to learn to adjust, that change is OK.  Hard. But we can do it.  So, grateful listening to the kids pray - what sweet prayers of hope and love for their dad and others and the things that they are grateful for.  I got awesome kids!!! Not sure how come I'm so blessed:):)
Love ya, Ricki

1 comment:

Colette said...

I love all the new pictures!!