Sunday, March 20, 2011

Last week was extra, extra busy. Sunday and Monday we enjoyed visiting with Chris' mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, two nephews, and ma and pa's Chinese granddaughter. They came up to visit us on their way to Logan to take their Chinese granddaughter back to school (spring break over).
Tuesday, Megan had Disney Princess try-outs. While I was waiting for her I talked with other mothers there and found out some interesting things. Disney only does auditions in fifteen states (one girl had flown in from New York!). Found out about Walt Disney World University and how it works to go there. At this point all those auditioning (including Megan) have a job at Disney World, Land, or on one of the cruise ships. They are just wanting to be a prince or princess. If you don't make prince or princess you work at the attractions or concessions or wherever they assign you. Shuttle buses that take the kids to and from the grocery store once a week and shuttle buses that will take them to and from church. The women that I spoke with were all from different states (and I had been complaining about how far I had to drive:). We won't know for six to eight weeks how she did. She didn't feel to good about the dancing part. Meg told me that I better put Katie in dance now and not let her quit (like she did) so one day she can be a princess:) It was a very long day but we had a lot of fun (and I learned a lot). Came home to homework, scouts for Jacob, dinner and going to the grocery store to buy ingredients for teacher dinner.
Speaking of, Wednesday, fed the teachers (parent teacher conference),and Tay scouts. This is were it gets crazy- Rye and Meg had a track meet (while I was feeding teachers) in Syracuse. Chris went to the track meet where it was raining and very cold. Chris then brought Rye and Meg home before the meet was over because Rye had a choir concert. Rye quickly showered then Chris took him to the concert. I met up with them at the school. Chris looked awful!!! It was very hard on Chris to be out in the cold and rain. Hopefully, kids will always remember how their dad supported them even when he was very ill. Don't forget getting ready for St. Patrick's day. Making sure that everyone has green so they don't get pinched and call me crazy but I always give the teachers, bus driver (which Rye absolutely hates- giving the bus driver the gift, not the bus driver:)), and crossing guard a gift, which I hadn't finished putting together. Ahhhh. It was an extremely crazy day, one you hope doesn't happen very often. (I'm exhausted just typing it/remembering it:)
Thursday, Chris was still cold and exhausted from Wednesday. Katie and I went to the DMV to license Meg's car (now has UT plates). Having heard horror stories I packed "heavy" lots of treats and things to color. We went inside and there was no one there!!! They called my number just as the lady handed it to me. It took me longer to drive there then it did to get the plates. Katie was bummed that she didn't get to eat and play there:) Then Katie and I went home and made green jello, and started on all the other green food for dinner. We had our traditional "green" dinner. Corned beef and cabbage, green rolls, green milk, green mashed potatoes, green jello and for dessert green ice cream (choco chip mint). What we do to ourselves!! OK, what I do to myself hee, hee.
Friday, last day of school for Tay and Jacob for three weeks. Our family attended a friends wedding open house. She lost her husband two and a half years ago and he lost his wife less than a year ago. They will be joining two families - total twelve kids!!! I was hesitant to go. Too many feelings. When it was r turn to talk to them she started crying. She asked Chris to say "hello" to her husband and he asked Chris to say "hello" to his wife. I'm not sure how Chris is going to remember everyone that he is suppose to say "hello" too:). It was a hard evening, probably should have stayed home.
Saturday, Rye had a bball game, we did chores and then we went and saw the movie Rango. DO NOT go and see this movie with kids!!!! It is rated PG but they swear-ALOT!!!!! There is also a scene where he uses a bad phrase which we have all heard but the squawking of the hawk covers up the bad word. I was very disappointed in the movie. Enjoyed my popcorn and soda but that was it. Chris and I had a good discussion with kids after movie and how the swearing wasn't OK. After the movie we ended up at Chili's. Chris has had a craving for Chili's queso for a couple of days. I keep teasing Chris that he's like a pregnant lady he gets these cravings. Of course he tells me "I'm dieing, I get do what I want:)." Katie and I didn't eat anything, her and I ate a lot of popcorn. Later, I went to the grocery store and Chris helped Tay with his talk for Deacon's quorum, it was on Temples (Sacrament meeting next week-on honesty:). Chris is very good at writing talks.
Sunday, thank goodness a day of rest (for some:) went to church, home teacher came over and we just laid around. Finally:) The Lord knew we would need it.
This week isn't nearly as painful as last week. I will even have "helpers" for three weeks. Yeah, no unloading the dishwasher for me:) We have. . . Monday, FHE. Tues., eye doctor appointments and Jacob has scouts. Wed., track meet and Tay and Rye scouts. Thurs., orthodontist appointments. Frid., no school for anyone. I'm sure I am forgetting somethings (like carpool and math lab). I just keep reminding myself that someday when kids are all grown up I will miss these days - at least that's what older moms tell me:)
President Thomas S. Monson recently counseled: "Often we assume that the people around us must know how much we love them. But we should never assume; We should let them know...we will never regret the kind words spoken or the affection shown. Rather, our regrets will come if such things are omitted from our relationships with those who mean the most to us."
Hope you know we love ya!!
Love, Ricki


Ashley Ziegler said...

You never cease to amaze me! I'm sure that night was really hard, the one you spoke about with saying "hello" to loved ones. I remember when I lost my dear friend, and had to go through some painful things that still stung, but in the end, I've loved it. Stay strong:) Your family is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Great Monson quote! We love you guys. Chris has always been one of my best friends.


Wanda Jean Wach said...

I always breathe a sigh of relief when I read a posting from you that is all about "normal" family life...schedules, here and there, running to and fro, and the good thing was that...Chris was able to participate in much of it. Love and hugs. xoxoxoxoxoo

mbeck said...

Wow, I'm worn out just reading your blog! Thank you for keeping us updated. I have decided that I absolutely love blogs--thank you so much for reminding us what life is really all about. Your family has taught us so much about love, family, loyalty, strength during adversity, etc., etc., etc. Your family is in our prayers every single morning--we love you!!
Mary Ann & David

Sorensen's said...

Hope ya know we love you! You guys are amazing!!!