Friday, March 13, 2009

Today is Friday the 13th. A good day for Chris and me. We were married on Friday, April the 13th:0) Yesterday was a bad day for him lots of pain medicine. This morning Dr. Ott ordered a chest x-ray. He also pulled out the ball (sorry I can’t remember the technical term) that provided pain medicine to only his pancreas (like a continuous epidural). Dr. Ott also said that he only had to have his blood sugars tested every 4 hours instead of every 2. His poor finger tips are bruised and sore. But his sugar level has been great about 105. They are still giving him heparin and he is still using his pain medicine pump frequently. He walked about 8 times today around the hospital floor. He’s so funny if we see someone else (who is hurt) walking he always asks them if they want to race. And he always provides encouragement to them (we wouldn’t expect anything else from are Chris). Later in the afternoon he was doing better. He let me turn on the TV.:) He started getting really hot (even though the room is set at 55 degrees. I wear my jacket and have 3 blankets over me). So the nurse ordered a fan for him. He was much happier after that. He is still only allowed to have about 15 ice chips per hour. Today we were out walking the halls and in one of the rooms we heard the noise of a pop can opening. Immediately poor Chris asked “why?” He wanted to get a drink from the drinking fountain but I told him the water tasted awful, he said he didn’t care so I told him it was broken (he believed me he, he not). A cleaning lady was outside one of the rooms and he said he’d drink her dirty pan water. Think he's thirsty?! Poor boy!!! They are going to try and take out the catheter again tomorrow (don’t tell him I told you – although I have been kind to him he’s had a lot more embarrassing moments that I haven’t shared with you). We also took the kids up to see Chris yesterday. I had one at a time come up (we are on the 10th floor). My mom and dad were very helpful. My mom and dad would help get my children food while I took one child upstairs. You could tell each one was upset after seeing Chris. Poor Ryan was the worst he couldn’t stop crying. Later he ended up sleeping in bed with me because he was so upset. I have to thank Ryan’s teachers. This week he had a big project due on Friday which I had no idea about until last night at 10pm (that’s why I didn’t write). We did as much as we could last night. Today his wonderful teachers allowed him to finish it at school. Thank you. I feel very blessed to know that all of my children have wonderful school teachers. I couldn’t get through this without you guys. I love you guys tons! I hope that I can be as great a school teacher someday. Love, Ricki

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated Ricki and Megan. It helps us a lot as we stand helplessly by wishing we could do more for Chris and for all of you. He is in good hands both doctor-wise and family-wise, so those are blessings. I, too, wish he could have a big glass of ice water. I am sorry the kids feel so badly, and Ryan took seeing his Dad in that condition so hard. However, I am sure they were grateful, too, that they were finally able to see him after several days absence. May each day get easier..... Love, Aunt Wanda Wach