Friday, March 20, 2009

Wednesday night was a nightmare. Chris was in soooo much pain. We called the doctor Thursday morning (6am – Chris didn’t want to bother him). A couple of times during the night Chris said that he wished he was back in the hospital so that they could put pain medicine in his IV. I don’t remember either of us sleeping. He didn’t sleep a lot during the day either. He did go for a couple of "wachs" (he, he can't help it) around our circle – cutest thing, Katie and Chris holding hands walking around the circle (I took lots of video and pictures) and then Katie went and got her doctors kit which has a stethoscope in it and she listened to Chris’ heart (while Chris made the beating heart sound). Couldn’t stop smilin' :o) so cute! I’m not quite sure how to handle the food issue at our house. I don’t want to cook anything here. I think the smells will be hard on Chris. I will try to figure it out but for now I took the kids (except Megan – who watched Chris) out to eat. We have hidden Chris’ favorite foods (in a couple of weeks I'll have to figure out where I hid them:). He still wants to drink but thank goodness he’s not so desperate that he wants to drink dirty water. LOL. The home health nurse came again last night around 6:30pm (he won't come again until next week). Chris and Megan had already set up the whole thing (he was impressed). Chris played the computer to distract himself (this is the only time I will say thank goodness for WOW). Last night was still a long night with having to add more formula to the bag, checking blood sugars (between 82-112), pain pills, stomach pills (each taken at different times. Pain every 3 hrs. Stomach every 8 hrs) and of course the constant pain he has to endure. Things will get better. We appreciate all the prayers. Love, Ricki

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad Chris is home. Sounds like such good family support with even the kids learning how to do things. This will be good for Chri's be around his family all the time. Lack of sleep is hard right now for both of you, and the constant pain for Chris is hard to hear of. I just pray each day will get better in this regard. I think being home IS progress.